I've had this mouse for a long time, but after updating some drivers through "Driver Boost" it stopped working completely.
I've tried everything to get it back, I've reverted the changes and drivers, downloaded new ones... Only the LED lights up, the notebook identifies the wireless receiver, but the commands don't work.
Can anyone help? It's a Microsoft Wireless 1000
Got my first tattoo yesterday and now want more. Just looking for ideas on how to expand/ add on to my one? It’s family oriented and would love suggestions
My dentist says I need to get all four of my wisdom teeth out - I agree with the tooth on upper right and lower left. But I don’t see what’s wrong the lower right tooth? It isn’t growing at an angle IMO and doesn’t cause any pain, neither does the upper left (which I can’t even see in this x-ray) Can anyone explain for those 2 teeth if they know the reason why? Thank you!
it appears and goes away. when it does reappear it is in the same area on the same arm. It’s also itchy.